I’m going to start off by saying as Kevin Smith said about Clerks 2 “This movie is for the fans.” I HIGHLY recommend you NOT see this movie UNLESS you have seen the first 3! You will be COMPETLY lost! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, heed my words. When leaving the theater I had this discussion with some people who were also at the premier bout how the movie “Rocked” (one kids opinion) the statement was made that you will get people who have only seen one or two or none of the other movies, they are the ones who will see this movie and say its “crap” and they will be the ones going around telling everyone its “crap” but they are just ill-informed.
Having that said lets get down to the bones of the issue, (haha bones) my Saw 3 review started out as such “This movie is so violent, brutal, sadistic, and gory and down right horrific! The shear blood in this movie will trump most war movies!...Just be prepared to turn in your seat a little.” If Saw 4 doesn’t leave you “turning in seat a lot” there is something really wrong with you. I would advise you seek immediate medical attention, because their isn’t enough room or time to help you on here. Saw 4 was a pure bloodbath the first 5 minuets of the movie they remove a mans brain, slice open his torso and rip it open, break open his rib cage, remove his stomach, then cut it open.
My only criticisms about this Saw IV are the editing and the plot. I really do hope the editing gets cleaned up for DVD release or scenes that got removed get put back in for a Unrated DVD release, most notably is one scene every one is standing in a room things are calm, then suddenly every one is standing in the hallway and people are running around everywhere. Also there is a close up of a mans face he is smiling the it jumps to him frowning; those are some of the examples I found. The plot was superb it fills the requirements for a Saw movie, (more so than Saw 2) its very Pulp Fiction like where you don’t know what the f* is going on. What I didn’t like is the big twist isn’t really explained in detail as much as everything else is in the movie, it does leave you saying “wow I didn’t see that coming” but it also leaves you saying “uh, what?” you really do get left in the dark on that one. I really like that a lot of the smaller characters in the first 3 movies have bigger parts in Saw IV. I like the usual Saw twists where your believing one thing and it’s usually another.
The visual effects for this movie remarkable, the detail that goes in to everything from the autopsy to the sets, like in the first scene every thing is kind of a really pale color their isn’t any over barring colors until they start cutting open the body then there is just red every where it is a very significant contrast.
I am a fan of the Saw movies I really liked this one because with all the other movies every time you watch it you always pick up on something new. The above are just my initial opinions of the movie, my first impressions if you will. I will most definitely be purchasing this on DVD for further analyzing, and I will certainly be anticipating the sequel Saw 5 (Saw V) set for an October 2008 release. Saw IV definitely answers a lot of questions from the first 3 movies, like “What’s on the paper Amanda reads at the end of Saw 3?” Saw 4 also raises many questions, like “What’s going on?” if Saw 5 answers as many questions as Saw 4 did I would be happy with it. Saw IV a must see if you are a fan of the series, and always remember time is an illusion.
Movie Miguel Rating: 8 out of 10
(Last reviewed on 10.25.07)